Friday 9 May 2014

5 Ways to Keep Yourself Happy & Positive

Life becomes so mystery in front of us, have you ever wonder what you'll become when your aged turns 40? Sometimes, I am thinking bout that...everyone want happiness, prosperity, luxury, me too either but have you ever thinking how much efforts you put for yourself to get all of this? Life is not same neither in film nor drama. So stop daydream and pursue your dreams, start working for what you want and stop grumbling all around there. I start to understand why my life becomes stormy then I start to change the way I'm thinking, and now I'm happy.  Now I want to share with you guys 5 tips to keep yourself happy and positive.

Firstly, just give your best in your life. Never stop give your best because the best will come to you at the right times. I know so many of you outside there been through lot of adversity until you feel darn tired, I am one of 'em too but now I realized why bad things still happened to me because I live in dogmatic where I keep haunting by my past and never want to take any risks to be hurt again, I never want to fall again because it really hurts me to the abyss but I completely wrong. Life is about a lesson to get the best we must face the bitter one so then we know how to appreciate those little things around us before we get the best. Its all about the journey to teach ourselves to be a better person. 

For example bout love, sometimes, we fall in love, fall out of love but that sometimes you crack and it really breaks your heart. Actually it teach you something. Be strong, don't let yourself weak because you lost someone you really want in your life. If you and him/her meant to be one another you'll be together no matter what happened. Keep on faith your partner will not go anywhere if you're MEANT TO BE together. Don't run too fast to them, don't get obsess with them, don't let your emotion controls you. Lets your brain control yourself. If you want your relationships last longer build mutual trust, respect each other, give and take, don't take for granted of others and accept the way your partner are. Don't try to change them tho. Accept their flaws and concentrate what the best of him/her. If you love someone that much you'll keep them higher not push them to the ground. The best relationship don't need the best to be the best among others, they just give their all out best. If you fails in relationship take it as a challenge and think that God keep the best partner for you so stop thinking why the bad things happened to you. Not even in relationship you should give all your best but in study, work and so on. Let say you give your all out already but still not reach your goal. Don't you ever quit because the winner never quit. You have to surmount so many things before you success and its the price you have to paid for glory. Energy, tears, hurts, time, money, etc. Every successful person in this world also been thru all of this.

Second, be positive... Have you ever in situation where you always going mad and think negative bout other? See what happened in your life. It reflex what's playing in your thought. If you want everything goes well in your life, you have to keep your thoughts positive. Negative thinking give negative outcomes of your life.
 I give you example when someone talks bad about you. What is your respond towards that person? 1. You badmouth bout that person because that person talk bad bout you. 2. You ignore that person. If you give no.1 respond I'm sure you're full of negativity in your mind. Watch out babe, you're  the type of person feed your mind thinking bad bout others and feel anxious all the time. If your respond no.2 I'm pretty sure you're one of the positive person. Positive person don't bother what others thinking when people talk bad bout them they still can respond in polite ways and behave their manners because they don't
want go to the same level of that person.They just smile and do their things. Positive person don't respond to rudeness because they know their level. They admit mistakes even when they're not doing mistakes because they don't want to involved in any arguments while negative person they will get angry when they find out someone talk bout them. Why this happened? Their thoughts full of negativity, they feel insecure bout themselves, they think they have everything so they look down at others people, they don't show respect to others, they will talk  harshly because they know their right all the time.

Its a big difference the positive and negative person respond in any aspect. That's why positive person tends to get much glory than negative person because they always positive about themselves and others while negative person tends to blame others and think negative bout others. If you want happy life change your mindset, you'll be happy. If life knocks you down several times just smile and give a shout `Im a winner' coz life will not push you to the ground when you have faith bout yourself and you will become a winner in your life. No one can stop you to be a winner unless you limited yourself. That was a power of positivity, if you want to be success, first let your mind free from negativity if not you will stuck somewhere. I know.

Third, don't expect. In this life, if you expect too much and if you out from your own expectation you will hurts so much. You know why you always hurt because you fail  to score higher in exam or fail in relationships. It's all because you expect more than that. Actually, you the one allow yourself to be hurt. Don't expect just let it be. We can planned, but we can't control what gonna be in front of us so just go thru the flow don't stress out yourself yaa babe! You know what expectation leads to frustration. In lieu thinking something that we don't know yet what happened in our future, let's do thing that can make you laugh. It must be a relief what!

Fourth, don't assume something that you don't know. If you make assumption the possibility you get wrong answer is high. As an example, you listen to rumors that your boss will cut off your salary from your office mates because you always come late to office. You start to stress yourself what will happened next if you got meagre salary, you start survey new job because you don't like your salary been cut off even you still not sure bout that news. Assumption leads to misunderstanding if you don't know about something, do ask. You don't have to be afraid to ask because it is your rights. Everyone deserved to ask in anything they not satisfied of. Don't think absurd or give assumption. ASK. You have the power to ask. If you afraid to ask you don't get the right answer same goes when you go to the class, you didn't understand bout that topic but you didn't asked so the results is you don't know and lost. Same goes in our daily routine of life.

Fifth, appreciate.. If you think your life is unlucky look around yourself what you see and said Alhamdulilah and Subhanallah for those lil things you see likes tree, birds, sun .... Smile you  never know how longs you could see Gods creation . If today you can't appreciate what you have don't cry for their lost tomorrow. Don't compare your life with others because all of you have different journey and story. You don't have to be famous to be happy, or to be rich to be happy you just need to appreciate who you are. Be proud of yourself and others will look at you as an idols. Don't bragged bout what you have, stay humble.You don't need to show others you have everything, people can see it all alone what you have. Life is not about competing its all about how much you satisfied with your ownself. Thats all bout tips to keep yourself  happy and positive. Let's be happy peeps, be a sunshine that can brighten peoples day. Good luck!